Sunday, May 15

dear friend,

Last night, around a nice warm fire pit, you and our friends were sharing your missionary stories, MTC pranks and spiritual miracles. If you remember I was green with envy, somewhat joking and quietly state, "I wish I could witness a miracle but I don't want to go on a mission to get one." You immediately stopped talking and looked at me. Giggled with disappointment you respond to my immature sentence;

"So you expect to get a miracle without even working?"

Ok, so after your answer I sat there ashamed at my lousy and selfish statement. It definitely humbled me and actually answered a simple but wishful prayer. Why was I not seeing any miracles? I was asking for answers to prayers without even attempting to work for them. So next time I ask for a miracle I will work much harder and longer to find my answer then I know God will do the rest.

Thank you friend for being an example to me and telling me exactly what I needed to hear even though it embarrassed me a little bit. That is why we are friends. Your quick lesson even made it in my quotebook.

With much love and gratitude,

1 comment:

  1. this was amazing. also we touched on this in church today. gosh paige thank you for being such an example to me. love you much.
