Thursday, July 21

sorry it's late

I love you girl! You are definitely one of my best friends. I will share with you in just one word and one word only, something that describes you perfectly...and I will do it with one breath in under 5 seconds. Prepare to be amazed!
Ready. Set. Go!


ps. I might have hyphenated a little.

Happy 23rd Birthday Bryndy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Paige you are the sweetest girl in the entire world. YOU are the one that is all of those things and I hope that I can be more like you. I am so glad that we have become such great friends you are an amazing girl, and are beautiful inside and out. THanks for the kind words it meant so much to me I just hope that I can become all these things that you said I am. Love you girl!
