A friend and I went on a hike last night to watch the incredible lightening storm. When I say "hike" I'm talking about freakin' rock climbed the side of the mountain. It was steep, it was exhausting but it was worth it. As we reached the top [yes, we actually reached the very top] Chaseton noticed a gift from heaven; a bench. Who would put a bench at the top of a mountain? I don't know, but it was the best gift I had received because again, I was exhausted.
There on this bench, Chaseton states that this view is inspiring. Inspiring to write a song, inspiring to talk for hours in deep conversation and inspiring to be a better person. And there on this bench was the start of a hilarious song as well as a great conversation. A conversation I needed, a conversation that was humbling and a conversation that made me vulnerable. We talked and talked and talked and little by little I saw glimpses of a side in my friend I hadn't seen before. His comforting side of knowledge and understanding, of loyalty and dedication. A comforting side that makes you feel like everything will be fine. There on this bench I learned a few things about Chaseton.
It's incredible to see a friend's testimony and understanding of the gospel through conversations like the one I had with Chaseton. He not only taught me what he believes, but he lives it. It's a humbling lesson that makes you want to become a better person. With this gospel, it is easy to say you believe in it, but to live it? You must be brave and that's not easy at all. If you love Heavenly Father, you must show Him, not tell him. Live His gospel the way Jesus Christ did, through love, faith and example. Chaseton figured that out and it was a wonderful lesson to learn.
Thank you Chaseton for your bravery and thank you random bench for being at the top of the mountain.